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    The Need

    Mark was diagnosed with very aggressive bladder cancer back in September 2020. Every 3 months since then he’s undergone treatment for his cancer, whether in the form of immunotherapy or chemo. Unfortunately every 3 months his cancer would continue to spread. It was necessary in May of 2022 to remove Mark’s bladder and prostate to keep the cancer from spreading. He was fitted with a urostomy while he continued receiving therapy for his cancer. At that point he found out his cancer was Stage 4 and he even had Stage 2 prostate cancer. 

    Mark is still fighting the good fight. Chemo and disease progression has now left him without much hair. He’s down 125lbs from not eating. The cancer has continued to spread in his lymph nodes, many of which are pronounced as a result. He is running out of treatment options, as his current chemo regimen only has a 27% chance of being effective.

    Over almost 4 years of cancer treatment, even with financial aid, the medical bills and daily treatment expenses continue to grow. Funds raised through sales of this design will help support Mark and his family. Please consider a purchase or a donation to his online fundraiser.

    The Sponsor

    Crosby’s stores operate more than 85 locations throughout New York and Pennsylvania…Your hometown choice for fresh signature pizzas, subs, breakfast, convenience shopping, and fuel.