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    The Need

    Kinsey was a healthy athlete who competed in cross country meets for the past four years. Six months ago, at age 15, her world completely changed with the diagnoses of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Dysautonomia, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Small Fiber Neuropathy, Fibrous Dysplasia in her skull, and non-epileptic seizures. She went from being able to run for miles to having difficulty simply getting up from a chair.

    Her service dog, Brody will be trained to provide stability for Kinsey as she is walking allowing her to safely maneuver without her wheelchair. He will also be trained to alert her to pending seizures or fainting, provide compression therapy, and pick things up for her which will decrease her postural fainting episodes. A portion of your purchase will be donated to help to pay for Brody.

    The Sponsor

    West-Herr Auto, sponsor

    Valu Home Centers has been proudly serving the do-it-yourselfer since 1968. With 41 stores and nearly 900 employees in Western and Central New York, and Northwestern Pennsylvania, Valu provides its customers with the perfect alternative to the large, warehouse home improvement stores.