Jason Patten

Jason Patten

Jason Patten, has been committed to caring for his 11-year-old daughter, who has faced multiple debilitating conditions since birth. She cannot walk or talk, so Jason and his wife, Roxanne, work together to keep up with her care along with their other daughter. But, 2020 proved to be an even tougher year because Jason, himself, was diagnosed with a painful disease.

“This past February, I started noticing weakness and tingling in my hands, and I didn’t think much of it,” Jason explains. “But it progressed rapidly, and there are some days that I am completely bed ridden.”

Jason, a former mail carrier who is used to being on his feet for work, was diagnosed with CIDP. It’s a  chronic inflammatory disorder that targets his nerves. The effects have been devastating and Jason is now limited to a walker or wheelchair.

“I have constant muscle spasms, painful aches across my entire body, my feet swell and my hands totally cramp up to the point of locking. I then need someone to pry them open to help release the pain.”

The family, who lives in a farm house that dates back to the 1800s, is challenged by the setup of their home because it is not handicapped accessible.

“It’s an accomplishment somedays if I can just make it outside to my porch to enjoy a nice day,” Jason says. “Going from an active mail carrier and avid outdoorsman, to this…it’s hard not to fall down a dark hole.”

But, Jason says that he chooses to wake up each day with the hope that the day ahead is a good one – for him and his girls.

“Having 26 Shirts focus on my story and help my family through a really tough time is an amazing blessing. I am very thankful for 26 Shirts and Buffalo as a whole. GO BILLS!”

Jason Patten's shirt launched 12/19/20 and closes out 1/3/20. 

This story is written by Kate Glaser and provided in partnership with Hope Rises: www.hoperisesnews.com 

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