Jason Patten
“This past February, I started noticing weakness and tingling in my hands, and I didn’t think much of it,” Jason explains. “But it progressed rapidly, and there are some days that I am completely bed ridden.”
Jason, a former mail carrier who is used to being on his feet for work, was diagnosed with CIDP. It’s a chronic inflammatory disorder that targets his nerves. The effects have been devastating and Jason is now limited to a walker or wheelchair.
“I have constant muscle spasms, painful aches across my entire body, my feet swell and my hands totally cramp up to the point of locking. I then need someone to pry them open to help release the pain.”
The family, who lives in a farm house that dates back to the 1800s, is challenged by the setup of their home because it is not handicapped accessible.
“It’s an accomplishment somedays if I can just make it outside to my porch to enjoy a nice day,” Jason says. “Going from an active mail carrier and avid outdoorsman, to this…it’s hard not to fall down a dark hole.”
But, Jason says that he chooses to wake up each day with the hope that the day ahead is a good one – for him and his girls.
“Having 26 Shirts focus on my story and help my family through a really tough time is an amazing blessing. I am very thankful for 26 Shirts and Buffalo as a whole. GO BILLS!”
This story is written by Kate Glaser and provided in partnership with Hope Rises: www.hoperisesnews.com.