Gage Stacey
11-year-old Gage Stacey was suffering from migraine headaches, blurry vision and uneven coordination when his father, Matthew knew something was terribly wrong.
“We went in for an initial brain scan, and were immediately sent to Children’s Hospital to look further into what was happening," he explains.
Within 24 hours of that initial visit, Gage was sent in for an 11-hour emergency brain surgery to remove a tumor. The unknown of the situation was extremely terrifying.
“We learned that Gage had Medulloblastoma, brain cancer near his brain stem,” Matthew says. “Now he is in the thick of chemotherapy.”
Gage just finished round three of chemo treatment and is expected to endure up to nine rounds through September. By far, the hardest challenge through this all, Matthew says, is the side effects.
“It’s almost like he has suffered a stroke. He has lost his strength and coordination on the right side of his body, but we are turning to the positives. Luckily, he didn’t get it severe, and hasn’t lost his ability to walk entirely. He walks with a walker, and is getting his speech back.”
Gage’s prognosis is far from grim. Matthew says doctors are confident and the family has hope.
“Doctors know how to treat his diagnosis, so we are clinging to that positivity. Also, the support from everyone, including 26 Shirts, has been mind-blowing. Thank you so much to this community!”