25 Days of Flicktures

Hey. Great news, gang!

We're proud to announce that we've teamed up with Scott Flick of Flicktures for a great promotion we'll be doing now through the Christmas holiday... We're calling it 25 Days of Flicktures.

Each day from now until Christmas, we're going to randomly select one customer from the previous day and have Scott send them an 11x14 print! We can't take too much credit for this, though. It was Scott's idea, and we're thankful that he's willing to do what he can to help promote our shirts this month. Thanks, Scott!

Never heard of Flicktures before? At Flicktures, Scott strives to create one-of-a-kind, pencil-drawn masterpieces from original photographs. You can check out all the work he has available for you to adorn your man cave with at his Etsy shop. He's actually leant his talents to 26 Shirts twice in the past. Check out Marv and Moulson, if you've not seen them before. (And also, SPOILER ALERT: he designed shirt #3 for the current volume -- it launches Monday, Dec 7th.)

So what are you waiting for? Go order a shirt, do some good, and maybe get a pretty sweet little "thank you" sent your way tomorrow!

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