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    The Need

    Bentley Hayden, beneficiary

    Bentley Hayden is only 4 years old and has beat neuroblastoma, a very rare cancer, not once, but twice. Sadly, his parents just received the news that he has relapsed again. Five tumors have grown on his skull since November. One can even be seen pushing out of his forehead, a bump his poor mother thought was just from hitting his head. Bentley’s mom said his survival rate has went from 50 percent to 8 percent because of this. She knows Bentley will beat the odds but it doesn’t mean she isn’t scared. We want to make Bentley happy during this difficult time, so we asked his mom what Bentley’s wishes are. Here’s what he said:

    1) He wants a small black puppy (favorite is a Frenchie because of the YouTube show Blippi).

    2) To sit on a beach

    3) For a baby sister (this one might be hard for us to make come true!) 

    So, we are raising funds so Bentley’s parents can get him a dog and take a trip to somewhere warm on a beach. Please consider a shirt purchase or donation to his online fundraiser.

    The Artist

    Vinny Harris, artist

    From the days of Myspace to the current social media climate, Vinny Harris has since been freelance designing for bands, recording artists, clothing companies, restaurants and more. Ideas bring about concepts, concepts bring upon designs, designs bring about art, art brings upon change. IG: @vinnyharrprints